Caregivers are asked to contact the College to explain their student’s absence/s by either phoning the College Office on 06 3768344 or writing a note explaining the student’s absence on their return to school.

If the student has been away for three consecutive day for reasons of illness, a medical certificate must be produced.

Absences from school for reasons other than illness or bereavement must be applied for in advance through a letter to the Principal.

Patterns of poor attendance may result in referrals made to agencies such ROCK ON Truancy Service, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Attendance Service, Oranga Tamariki and Police Youth Aid.

If you are late to College…

Report to the College Office with your note and sign in the Late Book.

If you feel ill at College…

Tell your teacher. He/she will issue you with a note that you take to the Sick Bay in the Library. Do NOT contact your caregiver asking to be picked up. The College with arrange this and sign you out.

If you have an appointment during school time…

Take your note or appointment card to one of the Deputy Principals who will sign your note which you will show an office staff member when you sign out.

If you have an accident…

Let a teacher know as soon as possible. He/she will organise first aid.