Home in New Zealand

International Students at Tararua College live with a homestay family approved by the College, or with their parent/s or a designated caregiver. Homestay families are carefully selected, and assessed (including police vetting) as suitable caregivers. Students may not live in a flatting situation.

Students are assured of individual bedrooms with study facilities. 

The International Dean, along with the agent (at times), is responsible for homestay family selection, student placement with suitable families, on-going support, monitoring, and administrative duties. The Dean or the agent will assist with arranging a suitable homestay family and liaise with them on your behalf.

Homestay families are visited 2-3 times per year and students are interviewed at the end of every term. There is a 24/7 mobile number available to all international students and their homestay families to contact the Dean at any time if necessary.

Homestay families are expected to include their international student as a member of their family (not just a boarder) and offer them a ‘New Zealand experience'. In return, they are offered the opportunity to learn about other rich cultures and form friendships across the world.

A weekly fee is paid to host families by the school. As a signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students,  http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/providers-partners/education-code-of-practice/code-of-practice-resources-languages/ (link to the code),Tararua College observes all the government requirements.

 International Students are encouraged to travel within New Zealand in the school holidays. They may travel with their host families, parents or on trips and activities organised by the College, their agent or approved student travel companies. Independent travel while studying at Tararua College is not permitted.

All travel/holiday arrangements must be approved by the International Dean.

A weekly homestay retainer fee of $50 is paid by the student while the student is away.

Please be aware of the following:

Water safety New Zealand http://www.watersafety.org.nz/resources-and-safety-tips/safety-info-tips/the -water-safety-code/

Alcohol laws and penalties


Sun safety


Sexual and reproductive advice:


Earthquakes and other natural disasters:
