Student Welfare

Guidance Department

 BFClive Bickerstaff - Guidance Counsellor

Mr C Bickerstaff, MNZAC, BA (Hons) Economics, MSc (Dist) Logistics, Grad Dip Counselling Practice, Grad Cert Counselling Skills,

Grad Dip Teaching Mathematics & Health.


At Tararua College we have a full-time Guidance Counsellor, Clive Bickerstaff. He has post-graduate counselling qualifications, and is a full member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors. He abides by the association's Code of Ethics which means that confidentiality is maintained unless there is imminent risk to safety.

  • The Counsellor has an office in the library building
  • Referrals are welcome from students, parents and staff
  • An appointment system is used to enable our students uninterrupted sessions
  • The Counsellor offers individual and small group counselling, mediation and advocacy
  • There is a commitment to working towards a socially healthy and emotionally safe school
  • Around 15 sessions are run each week covering a wide range of issues. Students are represented across all backgrounds, abilities, ethnicities and year groups
  • If appropriate, and with parental consent, students are able to be referred free of charge to CAFs rural for psychological support.
  • Itinerant counsellors are also available, for example, from the youth section of MASH trust, to work from our premises from time to time, Students or parents sometimes request these services, and it is easier if they can be seen at school


 Please click here for link to Covid-19 Mental Health Wellbeing Resources.

Contact Numbers

  • Lifeline 0800 543 345 available 24/7
  • Suicide Crisis Helpline 0508 828 865 available 24/7
  • Youthline 0800 376 633 or free text 234 available 24/7
  • Kidsline 0800 543 754 available 24/7
  • Whatsup 0800 942 8787 1pm – 11pm
  • Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 available 24/7
  • Rainbow Youth 09 376 4155 weekdays 11am – 5pm
  • Netsafe 0508 638 723 (0508NETSAFE) also for reporting cyber bullying Net Safe NZ
  • Manline 06 358 1211 => :Men helping men
  • Problems at school? 0800 499 488 = > Freephone parents legal information


Student Welfare:

There is a broad range of targeted programmes to enhance the health and well being of students made available at the college. Most programmes are run as part of the teacher and learning time students might experience in health classes.

In addition, the pastoral support of students is taken very seriously with all staff obligated under the Vulnerable Children Act 2015 to meet legal responsibilities.

The College provides pastoral care through teachers, deans, whānau teachers and counselling. At each level of engagement there is an opportunity to help students manage any stress that they may be under and which may be inhibiting their educational pathway.

  • The whānau teachers have small groups of students to work with and liaise with the caregivers at learning conversations each term.
  • The deans look after the year group and provide oversight of specific and targeted behavioural concerns and incidents of celebration/recognition.
  • Support is accessed through SENCO for Mana whaikaha
  • Where possible the parents/caregivers and whānau are very welcome to assist in providing an appropriate programme of support and sometimes asked to work in collaboration with the College.

There are a few externally sourced providers that offer a different educational slant or perspective for students to help them remember:

1) Keeping safe and the importance of self-care

2) Understanding the nature of healthy relationships

3) Understanding the nature of consent

4) Learning about diversity and self-identity.

The programmes externally sourced fall into several main themes:

  • Loves me Not run by the Police that explores the importance of understanding consent and what is a healthy relationship.
  • Other resilience programmes include Youth line - Standing Tall and an awareness programme Students against Dangerous Driving (SADD)
  • There also exists within the township an opportunity for students to attend Tararua Community Youth Services - some students' pathways at the age of 16 are supported by the Trust to offer an alternative to the College but to stay in education.

It is evident from the way that some students behave at college that, at times, there is a lot going on in their lives at home. Therefore, it is everyone's responsibility that students receive help and assistance when they need it for their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual welfare and sometimes this might mean that the adults in their lives, outside college, need to reach out for help.

The directory below provides a list of services for anyone to contact.

It is a living document and we seek your support and help in maintaining up to date information. Please contact Clive at TC with your comments. (Last update 06/09/2020 with a general edit)

He oranga ngākau, He pikinga waiora (Positive feelings in your heart will raise your sense of self-worth)

Responsibility and Services at the College => TC's approach towards meeting its obligations can be read in the Child Protection Procedure.

  • Board of Trustees (BOT)
  • Guidance Counsellor - Clive Bickerstaff
  • Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO) - Mrs Gilda McKnight
  • Principal / Teachers

List of Non-Government Organisations

List of Ministries / Agencies

Ministry Of Health

  • MidCentral DHB - Mental Health - Crisis Team
  • Oranga Hinengaro Maori Mental Health
  • CPHO – Rangitane Trust
    • Drug & Alcohol Counselling
    • Counselling
    • Smoking Cessation Intervention
  • Public Health Nurses – free student consultations at Tararua College


  • Mates & Dates : Programmes for year 9 & 10 to help understand healthy relationships
  • Sensitive Claims : Can be made without involving the police.


  • Loves Me Not : Run for the year 12 & 13 focus on understanding what is relationship abuse and consent.
  • CHOICE : Run for year 11-13 students - Healthy choices

Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki (launched 1st April 2017 - incorporates CYFs and some additional MSD functions)

Ministry Of Education

New Zealand Government Acts governing the Student’s education and well being

Additional wellbeing web sites offering support

Informational Sites

  • The Duluth Model : Power & Control model
  • There has been some concerns raised around the release of a Netflix programme called 13 Reasons Why and a second movie - The New Zealand Association of Counsellors advocate that for anyone finding themselves in such a situation; talking is the best approach to dealing with a personal struggle. For more thoughts on the show click on the link. For support see the links below.

Contact Numbers

  • Lifeline 0800 543 345 available 24/7
  • Suicide Crisis Helpline 0508 828 865 available 24/7
  • Youthline 0800 376 633 or free text 234 available 24/7
  • Kidsline 0800 543 754 available 24/7
  • Whatsup 0800 942 8787 1pm – 11pm
  • Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 available 24/7
  • Rainbow Youth 09 376 4155 weekdays 11am – 5pm
  • Netsafe 0508 638 723 (0508NETSAFE) also for reporting cyber bullying Net Safe NZ
  • Manline 06 358 1211 => :Men helping men
  • Problems at school? 0800 499 488 = > Freephone parents legal information

Documents for additional information



Tararua College

13 Churchill Street

P O Box 94


Phone: 06 376 8344

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