  • Tararua College opens on 2nd February. 
  • First open day for the public on 2nd April. 
  • First Parents Association meeting on 4th May. 
  • B Block completed.
  • Grand piano, mahogany lectern and table purchased for the Hall with a gift of 600 pounds from the Pahiatua DHS Memorial fund. 
  • The silver birches were planted on the main drive 
  • Tararua College officially opened by the Governor General, Viscount Cobham, in the presence of the local MP, the Prime Minister elect Keith Holyoake on 11th October. 
  • College choir’s first broadcast 9 Lessons and Carols service 11.25am on Christmas Day on 2ZA Palmerston North. 
  • Tararua College Educational Trust founded in February. Within a year it has 351 members and has raised over 1120 pounds. 
  • Peter Snell and Murray Halberg visit in April. 
  • Head Boy, Peter Lines, wins the 1962 Upham Scholarship. 
  • 17th September NZBC Orchestra performed in the Hall. 
  • Mr. McLean’s magazine editorial, emphasizing the dangers of letting science dominate the curriculum education was the subject of an editorial in the Wellington Evening Post. 
  • Tararua College Rowing Team obtains canoes and oars from Auckland Rowing Club and takes part in Secondary Schools regattas in Wanganui and Wellington. 
  • Work starts on the gym. Parents Association gives 4200 pounds. 
  • North Island Secondary schools rowing regatta on the Tiraumea River: 15 schools take part. 
  • Gymnasium opened by W.H.Brown MP for Palmerston North (although the plaque said Mr A Kinsella who was Minister of Education and was ill) on 12th June. It had cost 13,000 pounds of which the college raised about a third. 
  • Tararua College Choir wins a national competition for recorded music run by the NZ Esperanto Society. 
  • Tim Bell wins Tararua College’s first Scholarship. 
  • There is much discussion about the need for examinations for the junior school. 
  • Work begins on the School Cafeteria. 
  • A site is purchased for a boarding hostel due for completion in 1968 and arrangements made to use a wing of the Pahiatua hospital in the meantime. 
  • The College’s only recorded Debutante Ball in front of Mr and Mrs. Holyoake. 
  • Fifth and Sixth form Australian tour. 
  • Mr M K Denholm becomes Principal of Tararua College. 
  • Social Studies department trip to the South Island. 
  • 10th Jubilee Reunion at Easter, 4th-6th April. 
  • Visit of Governor General Sir Arthur Porrit in July. 
  • Mr S.W. Gaudin becomes Principal of Tararua College. 
  • Uniform abolished for Seventh Form/ Year 13 and for Sixth Form (Year 12) in mid-year. 
  • Hair regulations relaxed. 
  • Year 9 and 10 examinations abolished and replaced by a system of testing. 
  • Gala day raised $4000. 
  • South Island Tour for Senior students. Cost $8 each 
  • Prefects elected and committee system introduced. 
  • Streaming scaled back. 
  • Rock gardens put around the school. 
  • School Canteen completed. 
  • First Mufti week. 
  • Death of Mr W. A. Carthew, MBE JP, first elected chairperson of the Board of Management. 
  • Study groups introduced; prefects abolished and replaced by school council. 
  • Streaming of classes abolished. 
  • Internal Television system first set up in the college. 
  • Form deans first appointed. 
  • Senior Science Block built. 
  • Maori introduced to the curriculum. 
  • Shower and changing facilities added to the Gymnasium. 
  • Electives begin on Wednesday afternoons. 
  • First Guidance Counsellor and Careers Advisers appointed. 
  • Queen Carnival raises over $25,000 for the District Sports Complex. 
  • Trip to New Caledonia. 
  • Miss I. E Checkley dies, leaving her property to the Tararua College Educational Trust. 
  • Ian and Peter Herkes set a World Crawling Record on the track. 
  • Scrap metal collection raised $3000. 
  • Tu Tangata formed. 
  • Tararua College takes part in World Vision for the first time. 
  • South Island Trip. 
  • Swimming pool opened - not the building - on 10th November. 
  • Tu Tangata Rotorua and Murupara Trip. 
  • Canoe Trip to Lake Tarawera and again in 1982. 
  • The Library built. 
  • Irene Hislop wins three gold, one silver and a bronze at the World Childrens' Disabled Games in London. 
  • Visit by Hone Tuwhare. 
  • Swimming Pool roofed in. 
  • Introduction of Liberal Studies. 
  • Ski Trip to Ruapehu and again in 1983. 
  • Porangahau Marae trip. 
  • Tararua College Silver Jubilee at Easter. 
  • Parewahawaha Marae Trip. 
  • Major Sports Tour (rugby, netball and basketball) to Australia in May. 
  • End of Year: Science Courtyard built. 
  • Site blessed and work begins on building of Whare Wananga on 11th April. 
  • Tania Hepi comes 1st equal in the Lions National “Youth Speaks for New Zealand” competition. 
  • Sally Richardson revives a College Singing Group. 
  • Nick Gaudin retires as principal in June and is succeeded by Eric Smith. 
  • Whare Wananga opened by Governor General, Sir Paul Reeves on 28th August in the presence of 1000 guests. 
  • College repainted and cafeteria mural painted by Rachel Donald. 
  • Visit by Sam Hunt. 
  • Introduction of Transition as a subject. 
  • Visit by Governor-General Sir Paul Reeves on 21st September to unveil a plaque on the Whare Wananga. 
  • Introduction of Tomorrow’s Schools in October 1st: Board of Governors becomes Board of Trustees. 
  • Redevelopment of the bottom of A and B Block 
  • Path from Tama Tu Tama Ora put in. 
  • Construction of new changing rooms linking the Gym and the Pool. 
  • Introduction of the voucher system. 
  • Introduction of Horticulture. 
  • Opening of the Gymnasium refurbishment by Lois Muir in September. 
  • Duncan Elliott represents NZ in the National Skeet Shooting Team. 
  • Brendon Tootell is National Supercross Champion. 
  • Opening of the Nick Gaudin Music Suite. 
  • School leaving age raised to 16. 
  • Tararua College repainted. 
  • College visit to New Caledonia. 
  • Cafeteria and Staff Area destroyed by fire on 12th May. 
  • First visit of Seito High School from Japan. 
  • Opening of the new staff room, staff workroom and Canteen in Term 2. 
  • Drama group wins second place in National Shakespeare competition. 
  • Peer Support introduced. 
  • Introduction of teaching by computer linkup with other schools. 
  • Reece Robinson captains the NZ Secondary Schools rugby team. 
  • Introduction of Computer Technology and Rural 
  • Studies/Horticulture as subjects. 
  • Unit Standards introduced. 
  • National Certificate of Employment Skills introduced. 
  • Phil McCreery becomes principal of Tararua College (July). 
  • Death of Sue Rowden, Chairperson of the Board. 
  • Sue Rowden Support Centre opened. 
  • Music tour of South Island. 
  • Tu Tangata class support programme begins. 
  • Introduction of extension classes. 
  • Introduction of new senior uniform. 
  • Refurbishment of Administration Block. 
  • Kelly Beech Agriculture Unit set up. 
  • Automotive classrooms built. 
  • Educational Trust scholarships begin. 
  • Jones Motors presents school car. 
  • Tararua Roading presents school van. 
  • Whare Storage Room built. 2002 
  • Completion and Opening of the Technology Suite: March. 
  • Completion of the Kelly Beech Rural Education unit. 
  • Primary Technology begins at Tararua College. 
  • National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) begins. 
  • Refurbishment of the Science Block. 
  • Opening of the Technology Suite. 
  • Opening of the Whare Kai. 
  • Refurbishment of the Science Block. 
  • Opening of Drama Suite. 
  • Introduction of Gateway Programme. 
  • Term Two: Phil McCreery becomes Principal of Cambridge High School. 
  • Term Four: Glynis De Castro becomes Principal. 
2006 - 2009 
  • Performing Arts trip to Vanuatu. 
  • Music department trip to Queensland. 
  • Rugby Trip to Australia
  • Music Tour to Taupo
  • Italy Trip
  • Tararua College School Hall refurbished
  • Music Tour to New Plymouth
  • S.T.R.I.V.E Values adopted
  • Technology Block re-roofed
  • Tararua College becomes a Google Apps school
  • Year 10 Samoa Trip
  • Change from Form Classes and Year Level Deans to Mentoring Groups and House Deans
  • Introduction of school-wide wireless network for staff and students.