At Tararua College we encourage all students to participate in the many sporting and recreational activities on offer. These activities may occur socially at lunchtime, after school, or in a competitive competition against other local secondary schools.

Sport and recreation activities provide opportunities to develop effective and valuable interpersonal and leadership skills through the context of physical activity. They foster strong and respectful relationships between staff and students which ultimately creates a supportive and enjoyable learning environment. Finally, sport and recreation activities contribute towards developing school pride and an enjoyment of school life.

Through their participation in sport and recreation activities, many of our students have gone on to become inter-school, regional, island and national representatives. These students, along with our age-group champions, and those in our top teams, are recognised through the presentation of a Tararua College sports badge specific to their achievement.

Sport and Recreation Activities Offered

While these are the current sports and recreation activities offered at Tararua College; any child who wishes to pursue other interests will be supported, wherever possible, to ensure they can represent Tararua College in their chosen area.

Canoe Polo
Cross Country
Mountain Biking
Outdoor Pursuits
Touch Rugby

Sports Coordinator:
For more information regarding sporting opportunities at Tararua College, please contact the Sports Coordinator.
 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tararua College Sport Code of Conduct

Sport plays a large role in the life of Tararua College and weare proud of our outstanding sporting record across all codes.

We believe that being a member of a sports team is a privilege, one that along with being a great honour, carries with it responsibilities. As a Tararua College athlete, our young people have an image to reflect: one of positive leadership, character, responsibility, competitive spirit and integrity. It is imperative that all athletes taking part understand and adhere to the following responsibilities and rules and understand that coaches and staff have the right to remove their privilege of participation.

The following are expected of all Tararua College athletes. You must remember you are a role model for many students and we expect that you maintain the highest of standards in all areas.

As a Tararua College athlete I will:

  • Encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, officials and parents at every game and practice by demonstrating good sportsmanship.
  • Do my best to listen and learn from my coaches.
  • Attend all practices and games and be on time.
  • Only engage in behaviour that promotes the safety of myself, other players, coaches, parents, officials and spectators.
  • Attempt all assessments in each class.
  • Attend 100% of my classes unless because of illness or unforeseen circumstances.
  • Uphold all school rules in terms of uniform and behaviour.
  • Participate in all school sports events with enthusiasam.
  • Display proper behaviour towards others, both inside and outside of the classroom.
  • Accept and respect the decisions of my coaches and managers.
  • Accept the official’s decision without gesture or argument.
  • Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
  • Return my sports uniform in the condition in which it was received.



Click here for the Sporting Contract 2020