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Upcoming Events
Monday 16 Nov | NCEA Exams begin |
Thursday 3 Dec, 5.30pm | BOT Meeting |
Tuesday 8th Dec, 1-3pm | Junior Prizegiving |
Employment Opportunities
Please contact Mandy Brown, Principal's PA for more information mbrown@tararuacollege.school.nz
Teacher of PE/Health and Science, applications closes 23 November
Teacher of Chemistry, applications closes 23 November
Learning Support Co-ordinator closes 23 November
Teacher of English closes 26 November
- please contact Mandy Brown, Principal's PA for more information.
Click here for Teacher Job Description
Click here for Teacher Application Form
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A Week of Sport - 7 September 2020
A Week of Sport - 21 September 2020
A Week of Sport - October 2020
Prizegiving 2020
Academic Prizegiving Recipients
I would first like to say how proud I am to be leading the school and immensely proud of the staff, students and community who help make Tararua College the wonderful school it is.
Tararua College aims “to provide a safe, caring and respectful environment in which learners achieve individual excellence so that they can be fully involved in all areas of the school and community.”
Our vision is “to maintain and develop a College that is at the heart of the community, supporting our students and their whānau to be the best that they can be.”
In 2016 the school and Board of Trustees developed the new strategic aims of the College, and these remain our goals for moving forward in the future.
These goals are:
With our 3 schools values; Respect, Involvement and Personal Excellence, we as a school community can make Tararua College the centre of excellence, which we are all striving for.
We are extremely proud of our students’ achievement both academically and in sports and cultural activities. There is a huge wealth of talent which the students bring to the College, and we want to nurture this talent in each and every student so they can leave College, having achieved their own personal goals and proud to have been a student here.
Academically, our focus is on developing young people who are fully prepared for life in an ever changing, dynamic society. This, therefore, is why we focus on developing the key competencies and skills which will be required for their future success in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
As a small rural school, we pride ourselves on the care and manaaki we show to our students. Knowledge of each student, individually, means we can tailor the pastoral support for each and every one of our students to ensure they are able to thrive in the school environment.
I believe strongly that the college needs to remain at the heart of the community we serve, therefore, we need to work together in partnership with our community in order to develop our young people to be confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners.
We value your feedback and so if you would like to offer any suggestions or have any questions you may want to ask, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do everything we can do to help.
Ngā mihi
Tama Tū Tama Ora
(He who strives, Lives fully)
Iain Anderson
Principal / Tumuaki