Start of Year Details for 2020.

I would like to confirm the start dates for the 2020 year in order for you to enter them on your calendar.

All Year 11, Year 12 and 13 students who have not confirmed their courses are required to come to school briefly on Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 January to confirm their courses for 2020. Course confirmation will take place from 9am - 12noon in the Library.

Year 13 Leadership Programme will run from Monday 2until Wednesday 29 January here at the College.

The first day for Year 9 students will be on Tuesday 29 January, please meet in the bus park at 8.50am, where they will be welcomed to school with a Pōwhiri. Students are to wear their college uniform and bring pens, paper, appropriate PE shorts, top, swimming togs and a towel.

Students from all year levels, families/whānau are welcome to attend the Pōwhiri.

All year 9, 10 and 13 students will be at school on Wednesday 29 January.  All students are to report to the school hall at 8.50am.

The first day for Year 11 & 12 students will be on Thursday 30 January.  This means that all year levels will have started. Students need to bring pens, paper and an appropriate school bag, ready to begin lessons.

All students are to be in correct, clean uniform and approved footwear.

If you haven't already ordered your uniform, please contact Kami Flitten at the college on 376 8344 ext. 213. Pre-ordered uUniforms will be available for collection from 21 January. 

A reminder that piercings are to be removed or a clear plastic retainer used, and hair must be of a reasonable style and natural colours with no shaved patterns.

School will start at 8.50am and finish at 3pm.

Please contact the school if you have any questions regarding any of the above.  The school office is open 9 - 4.30pm until 13 December and will reopen on Tuesday 21 January 2020.